⚠ This website is for the 2022-23 academic year and is no longer maintained. ⚠

Extreme Value Analysis 2


5.4. Extreme Value Analysis 2#

Here, you will see the missing steps to perform Extreme Value Analysis. We will cover the distributions functions used to describe extreme events and discuss on their goodness of fit.

To do so, you will watch 4 videos on Extreme Value Analysis and work on a Notebook to apply the new concepts.

Remember that you have a bonus optional activity if you want to go further with the concepts (PDF file).

Enjoy the journey!

All of the slides for the 4 videos above can be found in the following PDF:

Extreme Value Analysis 2

There was also a bonus assignment:

Bonus activity


The notebooks also used a csv file, which can be downloaded here: There was also a bonus assignment:
