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4. Component Reliability: Part 2#

This assignment builds up on the first one on component reliability, and is based on the assigned reading in Sections 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8. The reliability problem from HW3 is not presented here again as it is strictly the same as in Homework 3, and the student is therefore invited to refer to it if needed.

There are 3 main tasks (listed here), and the cells below provide an outline to help you through the analysis by providing a start to all tasks, and indicating the "gaps" which you need to fill in with analytic expressions and code.

Task 1: Derive the analytic expressions for the sensitivity vectors introduced in the Chapter 6 reading of the ADK book. Specifically, the sensitivity to the limit-state function parameters a and b, as well as the sensitivity to the distribution parameters (there are 4: 2 for each random variable).

Task 2: Use the results of the FORM analysis to calculate the sensitivity vectors.

Task 3: Interpret the results.

First: import packages, define the limit-state function, marginal distributions and correlation structure.

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import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
import openturns as ot

# Limit state function parameters:
a = 1
b = -2

# Distribution parameters X1
mu_1 = 10
sigma_1 = 2
X1 = st.norm(mu_1, sigma_1)

# Distribution parameters X2
mu_2 = 20
sigma_2 = 5
X2 = st.norm(mu_2, sigma_2)

rho = 0.5

def cond_param(X1, X2, x1):
    ''' Computes the distribution parameters of X2|X1=x1. 
    X1, X2: random variables. 
    x1: float. 
    sigma = X2.std()*np.sqrt(1-rho**2)
    mu = X2.mean() + rho*X2.std()*(x1-X1.mean())/X1.std()
    return mu, sigma

def myLSF(x):
    Vectorized limit state function.
    x: (2,1) array. First coordinate corresponds to the value of X1, second to the value of X2. 
    return [a*x[0]**2 + b*x[1]]

def grad_myLSF(x):
    Computes the gradient of the limit state function. 
    x: (2,1) array. First coordinate corresponds to the value of X1, second to the value of X2. 
    return np.array([[2*a*x[0], b]])

# Definition of random variables
x1 = ot.Normal(mu_1, sigma_1)          # X1 already assigned to normal RV defined with scipy.stats
x2 = ot.Normal(mu_2, sigma_2)          # Idem for X2

# Definition of the dependence structure: here, bivariate normal with correlation coefficient rho.
R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(2)   
R[0,1] = rho
R[1,0] = rho
bivar_copula = ot.NormalCopula(R)

The analysis is set up and completed using OpenTURNS.

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inputDistribution = ot.ComposedDistribution((x1,x2), bivar_copula)
inputDistribution.setDescription(["x1", "x2"])
inputRandomVector = ot.RandomVector(inputDistribution)

myfunction = ot.PythonFunction(2, 1, myLSF)

# Vector obtained by applying limit state function to X1 and X2
outputvector = ot.CompositeRandomVector(myfunction, inputRandomVector)

# Define failure event: here when the limit state function takes negative values
failureevent = ot.ThresholdEvent(outputvector, ot.Less(), 0)
failureevent.setName('LSF inferior to 0')

optimAlgo = ot.Cobyla()

algo = ot.FORM(optimAlgo, failureevent, inputDistribution.getMean())
result = algo.getResult()
x_star = result.getPhysicalSpaceDesignPoint()
u_star = result.getStandardSpaceDesignPoint()
pf = result.getEventProbability()
print('FORM result, pf = {:.4f}'.format(pf))
print('FORM result, beta = {:.3f}\n'.format(result.getHasoferReliabilityIndex()))
print('Design point in the u space:',u_star)
print('Design point in the x space:',x_star)

Sensitivity analysis#

For an understanding of FORM result’s sensitivity to variations in its parameters, read Section 6.6 ADK. In particular, this part of the assignment will determine the sensitivity with regards to the limit-state parameters, \((\theta_g=(a,b))\), followed by sensitivity to the distribution parameters \((\theta_f = (\mu_1, \sigma_1, \mu_2, \sigma_2))\).

Sensitivity to LSF parameters#

In this sub-section, we aim to determine the sensitivity of the reliability index \(\beta\) w.r.t the LSF parameters \(a\) and \(b\) - i.e \(\nabla_{\theta_g}\beta\). Refer to Section 6.6 for the theory.

We know that :

\[ \nabla_{\theta_g}\beta = \frac{1}{||\nabla_u G(u^*,\theta_g)||} \nabla_{\theta_g}g(x^*, \theta_g) \]

where \(\nabla_u G(u^*,\theta_g)=\nabla_x g(x^*, \theta_g)J_{x,u}\) can be retrieved from the FORM analysis in HW03 and \(\nabla_{\theta_g}g(x^*, \theta_g)\).

Add the gradient of g to the return statement
def grad_theta(x, a, b):
    ''' Computes the gradient of g with regards to the LSF parameters (a,b). '''
    return np.array([])

Before evaluating this functions, a hint:

The output of a reliability analysis is a "Point", which has interesting properties, but can't be used in the "normal" way that you would use a list or array in Python. As such, here we convert it to a 1x2 array so that we can continue to use matrix operations in a logical way. A "Point" is a specific class defined by OpenTURNS (see the OpenTURNS tutorial for more explanation and examples!). This is one of the reasons working with OpenTURNS can take a while to get used to at first.
print('The type of x_star is:', type(x_star))
x_s = np.array([value for value in x_star])
print('Use list comprehension and np.array to create x_s:', x_s)
print('The type of x_s is:',type(x_s))
print('The type of an element of x_s (x_s[0,0]) is:',type(x_s[0]))

Now we can easily evaluate the gradient, using the Jacobian from HW3:

Calculate the gradient of the limit-state function in the U-space using np.dot()
Jxu = np.array([[2, 0], 
                [2.5, 4.33]])    # Obtained using results from HW03

grad_U = np.dot()

Clearly then, we can compute \(\nabla_{\theta_g}\beta\):

You can complete the calculation in one line.
sensi_lsf = 

Sensitivity to distribution parameters#

Similarly to the previous sub-section, the theory is presented in Section 6.6 ADK. The first step consists in computing \(J_{T,\theta_f}(x^*, \theta_f)\). We note \(J_{T,\theta_f}=(a_{i,j})\) with \(i \in [\![0,1]\!]\) and \(j \in [\![0,3]\!]\) as defined in ADK, equation (6.54) (Jacobian of transformation w.r.t distribution parameters).

We have seen in HW03 that \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are both normal, and therefore \(X_2|X_1\) is normal as well. Therefore, we can write :

\[ F_{X_1}(x_1)=\Phi \left(\frac{x_1 - \mu_1}{\sigma_1}\right) \]
\[ F_{X_2|X_1}(x_2)=\Phi \left(\frac{x_2 - \mu}{\sigma}\right) \]

with \( \mu=\mu_2 + \rho \sigma_2 (\frac{x_1 - \mu_1}{\sigma_1}) \) and \( \sigma = \sigma_2 \sqrt{1-\rho^2}\).

Write the analytic expressions for the 6 non-zero terms of the Jacobian of the transformation w.r.t. the distribution parameters. Hint: it's a set of partial derivatives.

Fill in the matrix elements below with the results of your analytic expressions above.
Jt = np.zeros((2,4))

z1 = (x_s[0]-mu_1)/sigma_1    # Clearer for implementation in long expressions

mu, sigma = cond_param(X1, X2, x_s[0])

Jt[0,0] = 
Jt[1,0] = 

Jt[0,1] = 
Jt[1,1] = 

Jt[1,2] = 

Jt[1,3] = 

Then, we can compute \( \nabla_{\theta_f}\beta = \hat{\alpha} J_{T,\theta_f}(x^*, \theta_f) \) using the \(\hat{\alpha}\) from HW3:

Complete the calculation using np.matmul
alpha = np.array([-0.9145, 0.4549])

sensi_dist = np.matmul()