Transport & traffic

Transport & traffic#

The following topics on transport are considered prerequisite knowledge for the civil engineering MSc-program.


Topic category / Learning objectives

Open Educational Resources[1]


Design of transport infrastructures CTB1420-17

Principles of transport networks design

Student can :- Apply design guidelines and design methodologies for designing the geometric alignment of roads and railways
- Explain the relationship between road design and road user behaviour.
- Interpret and analyse characteristics of railway infrastructure elements.
- Design railways and tram lines.
- Display roads and railways design using AutoCAD and Civil3D.
- Evaluate the implications of different design alternatives on road user behaviour, traffic safety and traffic operation.
- Think critically and make design decisions.

- Basic elements of transportation planning[6]

-Traffic & Highway Engineering: section 11.1

Geometric design principles of roads and rail: horizontal and vertical alignment calculation

Student can :- Apply design guidelines and design methodologies for designing the geometric alignment of roads and railways
- Explain the relationship between road design and road user behaviour.
- Interpret and analyse characteristics of railway infrastructure elements.
- Think critically and make design decisions.

- Roadway horizontal alignment[2]

- Go through document until page 45.

Transport and traffic modelling

The four-steps method

Student can :- Design railways and tram lines.
- Display roads and railways design using AutoCAD and Civil3D.
- Evaluate the implications of different design alternatives on road user behaviour, traffic safety and traffic operation.
- Think critically and make design decisions.

- Four step travel model[3]

Go through chapter 1 and 2 in the website.

Spatial interaction models: the gravity method and the lowry model

Student can :
- Indicate how water differs from other (liquid) substances and how the liquid properties influence the flow, using dimensionless key figures

- Gravity[4]
- Lowry[5]

- Gravity: go through slides 2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.3.
- Lowry: go through chapter 6.

Choice modeling theory: the logit model

Student can :
- Indicate how water differs from other (liquid) substances and how the liquid properties influence the flow, using dimensionless key figures

- Logit model[4]

- Go through slides, until slide 36.

Modelling congestion: fundamental diagram of traffic flow

Student can :
- Indicate how water differs from other (liquid) substances and how the liquid properties influence the flow, using dimensionless key figures

- Traffic flow theory[7]

- Download pdf and go through chapters 3.1 and 3.2.

Managing traffic intersections: traffic lights timings

Student can :
- Indicate how water differs from other (liquid) substances and how the liquid properties influence the flow, using dimensionless key figures

- Traffic flow theory[7]
- Fundamentals of Transportation/Traffic Signals[8]

- Traffic flow theory: download pdf and go through chapters 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.
- Fundamentals of Transportation/Traffic Signals: go through examples 4 “Critical Lane Groups”, 5 “Cycle Length Calculation” and 6 “Green Time Allocation”.