Programming is an important skill that will directly be used in the first two quarters of the MSc Programme. At our Faculty, Python is the language used most, rather than Matlab or other languages. The reason for this is a.o. Python’s broad applicability and the fact that is is powerful and free. Below, you can find access to a quick introductory course. This python course is accessible for free. It will also help you build a solid foundation in programming that will benefit you throughout your academic and professional career.
To enter the course please click on this link or visit:
How to take the course#
Start the course by reading the Introduction part. Then get started with the Theory and Exercises under the Course Contents! In particular, the Python Toolbox Chapter describes how you can run Python code to solve the exercises. The last part of this course is called In a Nutshell; these are very concise recaps of the content from the main chapters in Course Contents. The idea is that you use these as a quick reference and review of the concepts, before and after the course.
Learning objectives#
Importing packages
Common data types (int, float, strings, boolean)
Numpy basic operations: addition, subtraction multiplication, division, dot product, matrix multiplication
Numpy arrays: 1-D, 2-D and N-D arrays, array creation
Numpy array manipulation: sorting, indexing and slicing, reshaping and transpose, joining arrays
Variables, Constants, Operators and Expressions
Basic data structures: lists, tuples, dictionaries and sets
Basic read/write operations from text files
if/then/else statements
Basic plotting with matplotlib
Roots and bugs