Welcome to CIEM42X0-CM Computational Modelling

This page shows the most recent announcement and the schedule for the current week. For more information visit the Unit Information page and/or the Calendar. Links to external sites are at top right (e.g., Brightspace, online textbook(s), etc). Remember that the unit Probabilistic Design also has a separate website (like this one), which can be accessed here.

Getting Started

Apr 24 · 0 min read

More information coming soon!

Previous Announcements

Week 6: Geometrically Nonlinear Structures

Geometrically Nonlinear Structures
Wednesday, 08:45-12:45, Flux Hall D
Study content of week 6
Workshop: Workshop 1 (Static String), Workshop 2 (Expanded Static String), Workshop 6 (Dynamic String)
Wednesday, 08:45-12:45, Flux Hall D
Thursday, 13:45-15:45, Flux Hall D

At the end of this week you will be able to:
Define numerical methods to analyse systems governed by nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. This entails:
1. Define the formulation that characterizes the dynamics of structures subject to large deformations
2. Define numerical methods to solve nonlinear systems of PDEs
3. Analyse and justify the results

Week 6. Geometrically nonlinear structures [pdf 1],[pdf 2] :
1. Geometric nonlinearity 5.4

Workshop 1 (Static String)
Workshop 2 (Expanded Static String)
Workshop 6 (Dynamic String)

Calendar (all weeks)