Week 7: System Reliability, Part 2

This week we continue with Systems Reliability, but will pick up a few extra tips for Component Reliability as well, based on the results of WS05. Otherwise, view the Collegerama recording (all recordings listed here).
The in-class session for week 7 and 8 are dedicated to working on Workshop 08. There is no WS07. Workshop 08 can be started at any point and must be turned in before 4AM on Friday, June 14; the instructions are available in the workbook; there is no Git repository for this workshop. You are also free to use the in-class sessions to ask about other probabilistic design aspects of your design projects.

The main goals for this week are:
1. Practice system reliability methods by applying a fault tree to your design project.
2. Learn a few extra tips about probabilistic design and component reliability analysis.

Review the parallel and series system reliability approaches in the Risk and Reliability Book. Additional material on Fault Trees is provided in the system reliability section of the Workbook.

You should review WS06 if you missed class last Friday, as it introduced an essential method for quantifying and conceptualizing system reliability.