Software Overview

This page has an overview of software used.

For weeks 1-2: we will use your standard “MUDE setup,” which consists of Anaconda and Jupyter Lab.

Week 3

Starting in Week 3, we add two new software tools (as well as a new package, OPENTurns, in WS03).

  1. Python Virtual Environments:
    • What is an environment?
    • Working with Python virtual environments (venv)
  2. VS Code (a new IDE):
    • IDE = Integrated Development Environment
    • Common IDE’s
    • VS Code

Once you get through the set up described on the Environments and VS Code pages, the expectation for future assignments (and most of your MSc work) is as follows:

  • create a working directory (ideally clone or create a git repo)
  • define a requirements file
  • create a venv
  • activate it
  • install packages
  • start programming!

If you need to add packages, use pip install, but remember to keep your requirements file up to date by adding the new package.

It is also good practice to keep notes for yourself, perhaps in a README, in the repo.

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