
Week 7: system reliability, part 2

Jun 4 · 0 min read

This week we continue with Systems Reliability, but will pick up a few extra tips for Component Reliability as well, based on the results of WS05. The in-class session for week 7 and 8 are dedicated to working on Workshop 08. There is no WS07.

You should review WS06 if you missed class last Friday, as it introduced an essential method for quantifying and conceptualizing system reliability.

Feedback on WS05 is posted to GitHub, can be viewed in the workbook and the is in your group repoository.

Week 6: system reliability!

May 31 · 0 min read

We wrapped up component reliability on Tuesday and start system reliability on Friday, using Fault Trees to conceptualize a system reliability problem. Materials will be provided in the workshop; there is no Git repository for this assignment, and it does not need to be turned in.

Feedback on WS05 is delayed, but will be released as soon as possible—ask Robert in class if you have questions about using component reliability in your other assignments/projects!

WS05 Released

May 23 · 0 min read

Material added to workbook

May 22 · 0 min read

See the Week 5 summary page for additional information and links. Remember to also review the solution for Workshop 04, which has been added to the root repository (you can add these to your own repo by updating your fork) as well as the Workbook.

Week 5: component reliability, continued!

May 21 · 0 min read

The solution for Workshop 04 has been added to the root repository (you can add these to your own repo by updating your fork). You can also view the solution in the Workbook.

Week 4: WS04 Link!

May 17 · 0 min read

Here is the link to get started on WS04. Start with the README. You can work in groups if you like, and the assignment does not need to be turned in.

Workshop 02 graded

May 9 · 0 min read

Workshop 02 has been graded and feedback has been provided in your GitHub repository. The solution files are in the root repository You can also view the solution in the Workbook.

Week 3: Software!

Apr 30 · 0 min read

There are no in-class sessions this week! However, there is definitely work to be done. Specifically:

  • Check out the new Software page of the website and try setting up VS Code and a Python virtual environment.
  • Do Workshop 03. Note that it is a notebook, and as long as you can successfully run the cells, you will be prepared for Week 4.

Grading of WS02 (EVA) is in progress and will be returned to you via your GitHub repository when completed.

Week 2: Extreme Value Analysis

Apr 30 · 1 min read

Materials for all of week 2 are now posted (see Week 2 overview page).

This is the first week where you will submit the workshop assignment for a grade, so be sure to read the updated instructions on this website (see the Assignments section of the Info page). You will also need a GitHub account to receive and submit files for the assignment.

You are free to choose your groups for WS02, and don’t need to have the same groups for the next two submitted assignments (WS05 and WS08).

Finally, the solution from the Week 1 workshop has been posted in the Workbook here.

Getting Started

Apr 13 · 0 min read

More information coming soon!